Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quick Thoughts on Egypt.

What does this mean for America?

Our strongest Arab ally (Mubarak) will probably lose power, and our greatest enemy (Islamists via the Muslim Brotherhood) will probably take control. Not encouraging news when fighting against Jihadists (Taliban) who are clinging to their deminished power in Southern Afghanistan.

What does this mean for Israel?

The Jewish State loses one of their few friends in the Middle East, and gains another foe along their small border. It will not help Israel if the once secured border with Egypt becomes open to Hamas weapon smugglers. Horrific news anyway you look at for Israel.

What does this mean for Egypt?

Egypt will transform from a secular dictatorship to a Islamist theocracy. More freedoms will be squashed, financial aid from America will end, and Christians will flee the Nation for a safer place of worship. Or, in other words - Egypt will become the modern Iran.

What does this mean for Obama?

The fall of the Iranian Shah will forever haunt Carter, and the fall of Mubarak will forever haunt Obama. This will rank with Obama's dismal lack of support for pro-American protesters in Iran, and pro-freedom Constitutionalists in the Manuel Zelaya affair in Honduras.

1 comment:

  1. The mid-east should reject a one-world agenda headed by the great satan. Many will want a end-times prophecy out of this; wich means the west will forsake itself -- as it demands war to affirm its faulty stewardship.
