Sunday, January 16, 2011

J. Eric Fuller: Tea Partiers want to kill "9-year-old Girls" (With Audio)

James Eric Fuller was shot by Jared Loughner last Saturday.  While I have sympathy for what he has gone through, his actions and comments in the last week have been nothing short of dangerous and incendiary.

Fuller was arrested and send for a psychiatric treatment yesterday, as he screamed "you're dead" at a Tea Party leader.  However, this action was simply the culmination of vitriol that he has hurled at the Tea Party, both before and after the shooting.

Right after the shooting, Fuller gave an interview with liberal Democracy NOW.  This is what he said:

Here is a short transcript (starting at 16:10):

Fuller- "It looks like Palin, Beck, Sharron Angle, and the rest got their first target...Their wish for Second Amendment activism has been fulfilled senseless hatred leading to murder, lunatic fringe anarchism, subscribed to by John Boehner, mainstream rebels with vengeance for all, even 9-year-old girls."

After Fuller spoke, on the Democracy NOW's webcast, they played sad music while they showed video of Glenn Beck speaking at a rally.

Things like this are why people blindly blame each other for the shooting.  Get this through your head, liberals: Jared Loughner was a nut.  If you say that you can "understand" why he did this, you are nuts as well.

Update: And here is new video that Pundit Press has obtained of Fuller's arrest:

Please bookmark!


  1. Wait, I thought we were all supposed to get along now and be nice. Is it possible that James can't hear the hate and vitriol in his voice, and yet plainly hears it in voices of those he doesn't like, or rather, those he hates.

  2. Lyrics from that sad music:

    But can you save me
    Come on and save me
    If you could save me
    From the ranks of the freaks
    Who suspect they could never love anyone ironic

  3. To be sure, Fuller's comments are incendiary, but at least there is a reason he's flipped his lid a bit. He was at the epicentre of a rage tornado, and he was shot twice.

    Glen Beck on the other hand has talked about strangling Michael Moore and poisoning Nancy Pelosi. He has said things that are easily equal to statements as outrageous as this, claiming that Obama would be willing to lock millions of Americans up in internment camps and kill them.

    Was Beck shot at some point that I missed and this justifies his insane anger?

  4. I think Beck's just bugged about seeing the country destroyed...which is really no big deal when you think about all the good stuff we're getting in return.

  5. The country being destroyed to Beck means the end of child labour and the excesses of the Gilded Age and his favourite Democratic President Grover Cleveland whose misrule caused the Dems to nominate William Jennings Bryan after his Cross of Gold speech - Beck not only wants to crucify mankind on a cross of gold, he is asking his viewers to pay for some of it.
