Monday, October 11, 2010

Vote in Our Poll: Who is the Worst Democrat?

This may be a real tough one. From all of the bad ideas and vitriol that has come out of the Left for the last decade, you may have to take some time to think about this. So vote for who you think is the worst of the worst of this party of incompetence. So whether it's because of "malaise" or ObamaCare or saying that their opponent is a member of the Taliban, they all have reasons to be on the list. So choose which one you can stand the least. And if you don't see a name that you think should be on there, make sure to leave it in the comment box below.

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  1. How is it that I'm the only one to have voted for John Edwards? That scumbag cheated on his cancer stricken wife, and was a couple of hundred thousand votes away from becoming VP of the United States...

  2. Edwards seems like a stand-up guy to me.

  3. Barack Obama is the worst. He allows all of the tyranny and is leading it.

  4. I think John Stewart should be on this list.

  5. This is such a target-rich environment. Maxine Waters should be there despite being a Lilliputian,

  6. How do you choose just one??? What about Charlie Rangel....I just write the tax code, I don't have to follow it!!

  7. They are all losers, blowhards, and liars - decisions, decisions, decisions.
    Guess I'll pass.

  8. Yeah, this does sound like a board meeting in Hell. Henry Waxman for sheer repulsiveness and Patrick Leahy for cold-blooded reptilian evil might also have been considered. How ironic that the feckless Biden can't even get a vote here. He'd be pulling his hair -- er -- plugs out.

  9. Most of these on the list should be in jail or in front of a firing squad like former Romanian Dictator Nicolai Ceausescu. That would be real justice.

  10. Obama clearly because actually he is not really politically a democrat. Unless Democrat is synonymous with socialist/progressive. So he is bad at trying to fool everyone that hes a democrat and therefore not all that radical.
