Monday, September 27, 2010

Interview with Closet Conservative

Pundit Press is proud to present number eight in our on-going series of interviews.  Today we are lucky enough to have the founder of Closet Conservative answer some of our questions.  Be sure to check out their site:

When and why did you start Closet Conservative?

I started it about a year ago because I read a lot during the day and always find stuff that makes me crazy, or inspires me. I would share the links with friends, and then just figured that I should take the plunge and start putting all the links and thoughts on a blog. I also started it to vent about things that I can't really talk about freely at my day job.

What is your favorite thing about running a successful conservative website?

Thanks for the compliment! I just like putting information out there for discussion. I like entertaining people and have met some very interesting people through my web activities.

How would you rate President Obama's Administration?

I think he is the worst American president ever. He is the first "post" American president, and a woeful amateur. I find him arrogant, unqualified, anti-Israel, anti-Western, and a terror sympathizer.

Is there a major issue that you believe that the President and Congress are ignoring?

I think President Obama utterly ignores and apologizes for Islamic terrorism. Congress, in my view, ought to pay more serious attention to the illegal immigrant issue in the US.

How do you think the Republican party will fare in the November elections?

Hoping for total and utter humiliation of the Democrats.

What is your opinion of the Tea Party that has spread across the nation?

I find the Tea Party inspiring. I think a lot of politicians have underestimated the anger that the average American citizen has toward this administrations unprecedented attacks on individual liberty and the American way. The Obama administration will start to feel the wrath of the people on an increasing basis as we head toward November. The Tea Party has been maligned as 'racist'-which is the only pathetic attempt that liberals can muster to try and shut them up. Having said that, I think that Tea Party activists should be aware that they will seem hypocritical if they publicly denounce things like Porkulus and other big-government initiatives, but clamor for their own entitlements at the same time. They need to be consistent.

Do you have any favorites Republicans for 2012?

I love John Bolton, but he was thrown under the Republican bus. I still like Sarah Palin. The pickings are slim, unfortunately.

Is there anything you would like to add?

America is a wonderful country and I know she will weather the Obama storm and hopefully, come out stronger.

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